vrijdag 20 november 2015

a little help from you , friends

living alone 

that my life
is more beautiful 
for having been broken.

a lot happened and a lot changed
and that is in each life .
my life is mine
and made me who I am today

I love blogging 
it took a while before
I found my own way/style 
and along bloggers I connected with.

and than the internet
changed that too
some bloggers disappeared
to facebook , instagram
and lost their need to blogging.
I too am on facebook and instagram
also there trying to find my own way.

I am not looking for followers 
never did 
of course I love when one
loves to follow ME 
when they do .
but I also love to feel connected 
to know there is a connection .

in blogging 
I am 
as in my life now
a kind of living alone again.

my kids are on their own
I am on my own 
and many blogfriends left too
went elswhere
and I feel like on my own here too.

I would like to find new friends

like in the real world 
I need to go out 
and meet people 

you read my blog
and you have an idea
for me 
please point to me 
other bloggers YOU think
could be an idea for me to 
start following 

I could use a little 
from friends 


6 opmerkingen:

  1. Dearest Francis, I saw your post yesterday morning, but I had to rush off because I got up LATE! My school week has been so busy. You know that I had to quit blogging since i have hardly any time these days. Blogging for me changed my life. Seven years of bliss, finding other people who were INTERESTED in corresponding, sharing, creating together. BUT things changed. Unfortunately, many of the people that started out following me left. But I have literally a handful of those who still email. It is hard to make friends on AND off line. After 18 years of living here where I live, I have only two friends, one of them a blogger who no longer blogs, and another one, a recent acquaintance. Work keeps us too busy and tired, and culture keeps some people at a distance from "transplants" like me and my husband. But I am learning as grow older, that friendship NOW is not like friendship when I was a young girl or woman. Yes, we do have to go out and just LOVE. Then, they will come.

    Wishing you a happy day.

  2. Francis, I know what you mean. Blogging is not the same for me as when I started four years ago. People are on facebook, instagram, and some have lost interest in blogging. There are a handful of friends that I still love, which are on my side bar, and some of them you would get along well with. They all have different types of blogs, and some comment more than others, but we have similar interests and they are beautiful women. I'm glad you are spending more time with your granddaughter, as you mentioned in your comment, and I look forward to having grandbabies someday. Jess is getting married next year, and that is a big thing that's going on in my life right now. But I want you to know that I think about you often and am so delighted when you have posted again.

    Enjoy your days, Francis, and I still love your blog.......and You.


  3. Lieve Francis,
    Je hebt gelijk. Met het veel snellere FB en IG gaan we dus weer voor de vluchtiger manier om kontakt te hebben met elkaar.
    Helaas doe ik er ook aan mee, dit puur uit tijdsgebrek. Want hoe leuk om even bij iemand "op visite" te gaan en (met een cappuccinootje) even bij te lezen! Maar zo is het nu eenmaal. MAAR hoie blij word ik dan weer van jou hele lange en lieve reaktie op mijn blog! (dat is dus het dubbele ervan)
    Jou lieve woorden kwamen na een vreselijke (TE) hectische week waarin iedereen het op mij gemunt had en ik totaal niets meer kon hebben en GEWOON met rust gelaten wilde worden. Dus een heel groot DANKJEWEL lieve Francis!!!! liefs van mij

  4. You have a friend in me and I truly believe that one day in the not too distant future I will visit you in Holland.

  5. Lieve Francis,

    Dank je wel voor je lieve berichtje op mijn blog! Wat leuk dat je een hazelaar hebt gekregen voor in je tuin. Daar zal je vast veel plezier aan beleven!

    Ik moet je eerlijk zeggen dat ik ook niet meer zo actief in de blogwereld ben. Ik probeer in ieder geval een keer in de week te posten, maar het komt er bijna niet meer van om berichtjes achter te laten. Instagram is wat dat betreft makkelijker en sneller...

    Ik hoop dat het je lukt om 'kindred spirits' te vinden op het internet. Ze zijn er vast wel!

    Een fijne week!

    Liefs, Madelief x


  6. Merry Christmas! I wish all the best dear!
