vrijdag 24 juni 2011


Each friend
a world in us
a world not born
until they arrive
it is only by
this meeting
a new world
is born.
Anaïs Nin
The first time a realy good friend
passed away
I found out
not only she was gone
but also
that unique thing
I only had with her .
I remember
I was riding my bike
and all of a sudden
I realised
the older you get
the more friends
will pass away
the more pieces of yourself
you will loose .
I will concentrate
on all my friends
here and now

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Yes my dearest, YES....when mijn moeder passed away, a huge part of me was gone, but I was reshaped by that tragedy, and that is all we can do...to reshape and continue...live on my sweet friend, live on, for you give so much beauty and your little Eva will remember her GROETMOEDER in fond ways and hopefully, take a part of YOU with her for the rest of HER life. Big hugs to you dear QUEEN....you reign in beauty Francis...Anita

  2. Oh yes my wise friend...isn't that so true. Friends are so important to us...I so treasure our friendship!
    Sending you some Friday love...and maybe some sunshine..it is just pouring once again here. Rain or shine our friends remain with us.

    Hugs. xoxoxo

  3. Forgot to wish Eva a happy 1 month birthday!!! xoxox

  4. Thank you, Koralee for reminding us! Eva is a month old already ! Wow!
    I love your post today... Recently we had a few retirement parties at work and all the photos of retirees were on display... Large collages of all the teachers that have passed through our school. One of them, a dear friend, passed away from breast cancer. She was a one in a million lady! {as we all are}
    Thank you for reminding us of our uniqueness ♥ You, my dear Francis... are a treasure*
    ~happy weekend to you*

  5. Roper better watch Friday Hound Blogging...he's always there with Regis.
